Author Archives: zhannakuba

On B(.)(.)bs

She has always been satisfied with the way she was, so even if there is anything imperfect, nobody notices that. Isn’t it better and healthier than surgery?


Being home after six years abroad feels weird. Contrasts are met not only in NYC. Expensive cars jump on the roads-washboards of Saratov. This make you feel like they have just had a war, after what they fixed everything but the roads. And yet I love my people. Because they care. And because they have […]

Facing Go-Go Dancing

Facing Go-Go Dancing. Loud music, bright lights, drunken customers – that is the atmosphere of a go-go club. The ladies’ room is littered with piles of cosmetics, brushes, blow -dryers, and random stuff near the mirror, and half-naked girls are changing right in the middle of the room. I am in the “FlashDancers” gentlemen`s club […]

It`s a Steal

Heart race- muscle pain- elevator- my room. It looks just as it was left. An hour ago my roommate called me saying that somebody broke into our apartment. I think pretty much everyone faced robbery or burglary. I got my phone and wallet stolen right from my pocket in a crowded subway in Moscow, but […]

Will you marry me for twenty thousand dollars?

My first essay. Enjoy. Will you marry me for twenty thousand dollars? The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (Proverb)           “No, God, no! Why??” I opened my eyes and saw a silhouette of Anna on the floor in the middle of my room. I jumped off the bed, went […]

So, here we finally are

Have been trying to create a blog as a means of outsource for my writing/journalistic/investigative energy and here I am! Will post stories happened to me, or to other non-native English speakers/immigrants. The stories are interesting, I promise. Most of the people who come to NY are struggling. They know what they put themselves into, […]